Embracing being an INFP

Embracing the INFP Dad: Beyond the Traditional American Male

For a long time, I struggled with my INFP personality. Although it felt right internally, I spent years trying to embody the archetype of the Traditional American Male—whatever that means.

Looking back, it wasn’t so much about what I was doing as it was about the guilt for what I wasn’t doing. So today, I want to share some of those struggles and realizations about being an INFP trying to fit a different mold.

The Sports Dilemma

One major area of disconnect has been sports. The typical image of fatherhood often involves tossing a ball back and forth—a scene replayed endlessly in movies and commercials. But what if you’re like me and sports just aren’t your thing? For fellow INFPs or non-sports dads, here’s a humorous take on sports terminology that I’ve found helpful:

I’ve also realized I’m not competitive, which seems a common trait among us INFPs. We prefer cooperation over competition. While I don’t subscribe to the “everyone gets a trophy” philosophy, I do believe in recognizing effort and personal bests. Rather than competing against others, I see more value in personal growth and self-reflection.

Overstimulation and Social Settings

Large crowds, such as those at sporting events, overwhelm me. This might be a specific trait or perhaps more broadly related to the INFP’s preference for intimate settings. Conversely, I enjoy group hikes but prefer lingering at the back to ensure everyone is doing well.

Passions and Preferences

My interests lean more towards solitary activities. I’m captivated by tales of adventure and often find myself lost in books about epic journeys—sometimes wondering if I should embark on one myself.

Writing has always been a challenge for me, mainly due to negative experiences with structured education and rigid grammar rules that never made sense. This is why I’ve decided to use AI tools to help refine my writing and better express my thoughts.


This blog is my space to share insights into life as an INFP father, weaving my personal experiences with broader reflections on this personality type in the context of parenting. It’s just the beginning, but I hope it offers a glimpse into the world of an INFP dad trying to navigate life beyond traditional stereotypes.